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What happens during SMS Meditation is Reverse Engineering. Just like sampler products at stores, the very first meditation session offers us a glimpse of the bliss that comes with living according to the principles of the universe. Whether one chooses to maintain that bliss is a personal choice. Here, Thasmai puts forward the opportunity to choose our destiny.


Every birth of ours is a result of the karmic consequences of our past lives. Life on Earth comprises of opportunities to free ourselves from this Karmic debt and attain salvation. We accumulate complicated memory from not living our lives in accordance to the universal laws. Complicated memory alongside Karmic imprints from lifetimes make it difficult for us to liberate ourselves and lead us to suffering.


Earlier, settling our Karmic account was possible only if and when we attain self realization. However, attaining self realization requires hard work for lifetimes and is unimaginable as far as a layman is considered. With the help of SMS Meditation, with the help of the universal forces, it is possible for us to settle our Karmic account, lead a peaceful life and eventually attain Samadhi in this very lifetime.


When our complicated memory is wiped out and our subtle body activated, we regain our connection with the universe and are able to experience its protective shield. To reach such a state requires intense penance over lifetimes. However, here we attain the same in just a matter of days. One must remember that the privilege of experiencing this is attained merely by the Guru’s grace.


When we are asleep, we do not realize our physical pain or mental strains. We often say we had a restful sleep once we wake up. Once we begin living in harmony with universal laws, we get to experience the same sense of peace in our waking life. It is an individual’s responsibility to protect and maintain this fortune they attain through SMS Meditation. To do that, one must have faith in the Guru’s principles and practice them in their life. Through this, a transformation occurs in a person’s life, leading them to follow a path of truth and duty. As a result, the universe begins to bless us, and we can find resolutions to the physical, mental, familial, and financial issues we face.


An individual has the free will to decide how to move forward in life after experiencing the bliss. One could choose to live a meaningful life with happiness, contentment and peace, understanding our life purpose and afterlife, eventually leading upto Samadhi. On the other hand, one could also continue in their existing path, living a life equivalent to hell without inner peace, struggling with lifestyle diseases, cycles of births and without any understanding of our purpose.

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